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Home > News > Plant sterols are the key of life

Plant sterols are the key of life

[Date:2014-01-13]   Publisher:Zhangzhou Jin Fushun BioTechnology Co., Ltd.  

1, plant sterols, plays an effective role of maintaining cholesterol homeostasis, by scientists known as the key of life. Then the phytosterol is how to "beat" the bad cholesterol? Professor Li Keji of Peking University School of public health played a very interesting analogy. Plant sterols and cholesterol is an enemy, but God gave them only to arrange a seat. They enter the body, meet. The first is in the digestive process, as we crowded subway, from the "security" when it starts, in the process, plant sterols have bad cholesterol out of the queue, not by the security you not on the subway. The second step is to enter the intestinal tract, the brothers will fight, a plant sterol, bad cholesterol into the not so fun. Wait until the third step, in the cell, the two brothers in the fight, fight, the final result is to reduce bad cholesterol absorption, can reduce blood cholesterol.
2, according to experts, the bad cholesterol accounted for seats not sitting still, but sit, then stand, is dynamic, and plant sterols buttocks sink, if occupy a position, rarely move. In this way, the two in the body of the competition, phytosterol once occupied the position of bad cholesterol, can easily make it without a place to shelter oneself, leaving the human body.
Vegetable oil is one of the phytosterol contents more abundant food, and the corn oil sterols in higher plants, plant sterols is white powder, also can have the ester form soluble in oil. To prevent coronary atherosclerosis, promote cholesterol metabolism and other medical and health value;
An important intermediate in the synthesis of Vitamin D3 etc. steroidal drugs; hair, hair and skin nutrition agent; dispersant, textile industry in the softening agent, antioxidant and so. Plant sterols, plays an effective role of maintaining cholesterol homeostasis, by scientists known as the key of life

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